This page will serve as a place for me to keep notes on various details about maintaining and servicing the bike. It is currently in it's infancy, but will grow to contain useful information that I will likely need to refer back to at any given...
Latest From Shred Jesse

Updated 2 years 1 month ago
One thing I cannot deny is that when I get a new toe, I get an itch to go shred it! Unfortunately for my bike but fortunately for the local extreme drought, it had been raining a ton lately. That meant I simply couldn't really take the bike out to a...

Updated 1 year 6 months ago
This page seeks to try and capture as much alignment suggestions as I can find for retention by the community at large. I also have a document with my "dialed in" suspension values you are welcome to play with as a starting point.DISCLAIMER:...

Updated 2 years 3 weeks ago
10th track day is at Streets of Willow with Xtreme Speed track events!Repairs, upgrades and general plans for this track day:So there were three significant upgrades done to my car going into this track day.First, I got a rollbar installed. I'm...

Updated 2 months 3 weeks ago
When it comes to things you worry about on a car you track... blowing up a significant part of the drivetrain is a serious concern for most. The engine blowing up is definitely one of the biggest concerns in that regard, and for sure one my...

Updated 2 years 2 months ago
Between the last track session and this one we were able to accomplish a fair bit! Coming into the track weekend we'd sorted out, fixed and upgraded the following.We got a new clutch put in. Exedy "pro" clutch which is slightly stiffer and more...

Updated 2 years 2 months ago
The NC Miata was finally ready for the track! We'd put all the time and effort and prep into we could fathom to take it from it's initial state of a salvage title moron owned car into a ready to go fun track car. We'd found all the stupid things the...

Updated 3 weeks 2 hours ago
While researching coilovers and then subsequently researching why the QA1 coilovers understeered for me, I took a lot of notes on all of the various sway bar diameters along with various coilover spring rates. A lot of information I took from...

Updated 1 year 1 week ago
Back to back track weekends at the exact same track? Seems like a recipe for being able to really test changes and seek improvements!Improvements to test at the track:Coilover bump stop adjustment: My previous two track outings had both yielded...

Updated 1 year 1 week ago
While the time between this track day and the last were mostly spent getting the NC Miata up to speed for my Girlfriend to try out track days with, the C5 Corvette also received some significant attention. While the previous track day had yielded...