Swapped barrel for normal barrel. Further review of S&W Shield 9mm, still underwhelmed.

If you missed my previous review, I tried the firearm out with lack luster results. Upon inspection the job on the threaded barrel seemed at fault. I fired multiple firearms while shooting, even a Keltec PF9 (notably smaller with much longer and harder DA trigger pull) and had no such issues with printing great groups down and left.

I found a person to swap the barrel with me. I finally had a normal Shield 9 at this point. Stock barrel, stock everything else, finally in a good place for a fair review. It should be noted that finding a replacement barrel was a fiasco. S&W wouldn't sell them, no one had aftermarket barrels at the time... I was very underwhelmed by the lack of support.

First thing to note... the gun was obviously far more comfortable. It fit in my pocket better and concealed great. It was quite comporable to my PF9 believe it or not. Felt great in pocket and in waist band. Great concealed carry firearm. I thought it was good before, but this really took it up another notch and impressed me.

Shooting again let me down. The firearm was ridiculously low and left. At this point, I gave up. I was waisting ammo, not improving anything, and not even enjoying things.

I did some research online, and it turns out this is really common:


Went out and tried some of the techniques listed, marginal improvements but still low and left. I think I'll take this to a gun smith to know for certain where the sights are, but as it stands right now... this firearm has left me very underwhelmed. I will say in all fairness, this firearm did come to me used, by god knows what person, who was obviously doing some silly things with it. It needs a thorough shake down before further review is to occur.